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    El Ostional - Rivas -Nicaragua (9 kms) 5.5 miles away from the Costa Rica border

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    Property Size
    168 acres (68 hectares)


El Ostional – Rivas





This is a Paradise of never ending blue (Among rocks and Bays) 68 hectares of tropical dry forest, with beautiful panoramic views of the Costa Rican pacific coast. The tropical dry forest contains a great diversity of flora and fauna, with both terrestrial and marine species. Much of the existing vegetation supports the proliferation of birds and insects. This amazing property is crossed by the Biological corridor “Paso del Istmo” located in the department of Rivas in the Southern Nicaragua Pacific.




El Ostional – Rivas -Nicaragua (9 kms) 5.5 miles away from the Costa Rica border








The southwestern area of Nicaragua where the town of Ostional is located is a tropical zone within the life zone of the dry forest, which is where the transition zone of the humid forest ends with the dry forest.
This area is of great tourist importance, it is in the area of the La Flor reserve, a site known for its arrivals of the Paslama turtle, in addition to having forest remnants with the presence of internationally threatened bird species such as the yellow-naped olive ridley and the orange-fronted chocoyo, as well as charismatic mammals such as Pumas and Ocelots, but also species of fish of exceptional beauty, which makes this area a tourist cluster par excellence for offering a distance of less than an hour from one point to another:

a) Forest and terrestrial fauna,
b) Turtle arrivals,
c) snorkeling and diving,
d) beach and gastronomic entertainment.


The area is located in the life zone of the dry tropical forest, with an average precipitation of 1500 mm per year (Figure 1). The driest years correspond to boy years and the wettest to girl years where the 2000 mm of annual rainfall (precipitation more typical of humid climates) are sporadic and non-regulatory events.

Using the current distribution of data it is possible to predict through a time series that for the next five years it will decrease a little more, but will immediately increase again within a high error range, so it can go up to 1600 or 2000 mm, or go down as much even to 600 mm.

Figure 1. Annual precipitation from 2014 to 2023, showing the first years with the Niño effect.

Table 1.Average temperature per month

Jan 79.73 (F°)
Feb 80.51 (F°)
March 81.78 (F°)
Apr 83.64 (F°)
May 83.01 (F°)
Jun 81.39 (F°)
Jul 81.24 (F°)
Aug 81.44 (F°)
Sep 80.94 (F°)
Oct 80.60 (F°)
Nov 81.87 (F°)
Dec 80.15 (F°)

This area is characterized by a marked dry season from January to April (Figure) when on average each month it rains from 1 to 4 days only, where in the rainiest months (September and October), it can rain up to 20 days a month. Rainy days and precipitation are only 70% related, and this is because there are days of little rain (less than 5 mm per day), while in the rainiest months in one day they can exceed 40 mm, The last factor is mainly the product of seasonal storms and storms.

The average daily temperatures are quite stable for this area (Table 1), which is normal in environments near the sea, because climate regulation is partly due to the absorption and reflectance of the sea, where the temperature fluctuates between 78.8 (F°) and 82.4 (F°) degrees.

Within this chapter it is important to mention the presence of marine currents as a climate modulating factor in addition to having a high capacity to carry primary biomass (plankton, krill), which attracts charismatic species such as whales.

In the case of the study area, it is located in the area of ​​the so-called Thermal Dome of Costa Rica (which is frankly located in Nicaragua, Figure 2), and which has an important regulatory factor, as well as being responsible for the productivity of this area (Jiménez, 2016). It is located between the northern equatorial countercurrent and the Central American coastal current, largely on the Central American maritime shelf.

This area is relatively stable and itself can be connected to the California Current as well, showing the importance of this confluence in the climate of the area.

Figure 3. Map showing the direction of the winds. The thickness of the arrows suggests the relative power.


The Wind Factor shows a predominance of wind from the northeast-east zone, with 90% of occurrence from these directions, therefore coming from the mainland, Nicaragua and the isthmus of Rivas in particular, given the short relative distance between the sea. The Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean, rather than acting as a continental system, act as an island system, so the humidity of the Atlantic-Caribbean is the modifier of the climate and meteorological phenomena in general.
These winds produce an important dynamic on the Pacific beaches of Nicaragua, which favor waves that are appreciated by surfers.

Table 2. Wind speed according to orientation, knots, km/h, and the percentage of cases that that direction occurs

Table 2. Wind speed according to orientation, knots, km/h, and the percentage of cases that that direction occurs

Address Knots mp/h %
AND 13 14.9 16
NE 17 19.2 74
SW 8 8.6 10

It can be seen in figure 3 that the influence of land is noticeable, and this current not only brings the influence of the Caribbean but also of Lake Nicaragua, which gives a wind dynamic in the area, of greater intensity compared to the areas where There is no lake, in addition to the fact that Nicaragua does not have a central mountain range of more than 2000 meters above sea level, which serves as a geographical barrier.


In this region the tides have an oscillation of less than 10 points of the coefficient, so the amplitude is considered to be minimal. This is can be seen by observing the difference of less than 2 meters between one point or another, which is normal for the Pacific coasts of Nicaragua.

Table 3. Low tide tides (lowest values in the height column), and high tide (highest values in the height column).

Tides Height Coef.
2:06h 1.8m 78
8:21 a.m. 0.3m 78
2:46 p.m. 1.8m 81
20:41h 0.3m 81

Figure 4. Differences between low and high tides, where A and B are low tide and high tide in El Roble Bay and C and D are low tide and high tide in Ostional

The differences between low and high tide can be seen in Figure 3, which shows the limit of these subjected by the area of the beach dunes which are between 5 and 7 meters above sea level, where the coastline is at a distance of less than 100 meters at low and high tide; The tidal inflow is therefore not as pronounced if we compare it with other areas of the Pacific of Nicaragua such as Pochomil or Padre Ramos, where the difference is more than 160 meters between the low tide and high tide coastline.

Regarding the implications of this coastline based on sea rise due to climate change, the influence will not be as pronounced for this area (https://coastal.climatecentral.org/), since current models predict it is among the areas with the least changes if you buy them with the majority of the beaches of Chinandega or the majority of the Caribbean coast, so in the next 50 years no pronounced changes are expected.


31 species of fish can be found, which can be seen at depths of less than 30 meters in the neritic zone of the coast of San Juan del Sur in the Pacific of Nicaragua. This zone extends up to 3 kilometers out to sea, however, the continental shelf can reach up to 75 meters, which explains the great productivity of these waters, and their suitability for sport fishing activities, which are actively practiced in Ostional.

Table 4. Fish species, showing common name, and abundance category

Figure 3. Map showing the direction of the winds. The thickness of the arrows suggests the relative power.

The combination of fish present here is a mixture of reef species and open sea species, where predatory species of sport and commercial interest such as mackerel and dorado stand out, and species of sporting interest such as sailfish or tuna are less abundant. (all of these in their different species), but the latter is the most sought-after for sport fishing along with Dorado.

No Common name Species Category
1 Sabertooth blenny Plagiotremus azaleus Queer
2 Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares Rare
3 Barracuda Sphyraena spp Abundant
4 Comber Serranus spp Abundant
5 Flag Cabrilla Epinephelus labriformis Queer
6 Beabrummel Stegastes flavilatus Queer
7 Scissortail damselfish Chromis atrilobata Common
8 Acapulco major Stegastes acapulcoensis Common
9 Mahi-mahi Coryphaena hippurus Abundant
10 Silver Gray Grunt Anisotremus caesius Very common
11 Pacific crevalle jack Caranx caninus Abundant
12 Pacific spotted scorpionfish Scorpaena mystes Very common
13 Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus Abundant
14 Butterflyfish Chaetodon humeralis Queer
15 Barberfish Johnrandallia nigrirostris Common
16 Pacific graysby Cephalopholis panamensis Common
17 Jewel moray Muraena lentiginosa Very common
18 Snapper Lutjanus spp Common
19 Tinsel squirrelfish Sargocentron suborbitalis Queer
20 Long-spine porcupinefish Diodon holocanthus Queer
21 Spot-fin Porcupinefish Diodon hystrix Abundant
22 Sailfish Istiophorus spp Common
23 yellow pinto Abudefduf troschellii Common
24 round stripe Urobatis halleri Queer
25 yellow snorer Haemulon flaviguttatum Queer
26 Miss cook Halichoeres dispilus Abundant
27 injured lady Halichoeres chierchiae Queer
28 striped serrano Serranus psittacinus Queer
29 nice drum Canthigaster punctatissima Queer
30 old stone Bodianus diplotaenia Queer
31 Rainbow old lady Thalassoma lucasanum Common


Eight species of corals can be identified on the reefs. Among the most abundant are the emerald coral and the sun coral, which help sustain this ecosystem, without detriment to the other species they are equally useful and generate great importance, but other vital but less common species such as the honeycomb coral.

No Common name Species Presence
1 honeycomb coral Gardineroserosis planulata Rare
2 Leaf Coral Pavona chiriquensis Queer
3 Leaf Coral Pavona clavus Queer
4 giant coral Giant Pavona Common
5 Cauliflower coral Pocillopora verrucosa Rare
6 Emerald Coral Porites panamensis Abundant
7 Stony Coral Psammocora stellata Common
8 Orange Cup coral Tubastrea coccinea Abundant

Table 4. Coral species, showing the scale of relative presence.


This area is characterized by being an area with an average rainfall of 1500 mm per year with a marked dry season, between January and April, and the area with the highest rainfall in September-October when the rains can be torrential.

The temperature is stable all year round and this area is part of the thermal dome of Costa Rica, an important current area in Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

The winds are stronger compared to other areas of the country with average winds greater than 17 knots.

The fish identified are varied and abundant, with more than 30 species with a significant presence of species of sporting interest such as tuna and sailfish. Let us remember that fish are extremely abundant, and this number is far from being the total number for the area.

Corals are part of this area, at least 8 species are part of the support of the aquatic ecosystem in this neritic area, whose area is more than 70 kilometers.


Guide to Birds of the Passage of the Isthmus of Rivas

El Paso del Istmo is located at the southeastern end of the Istmo de Rivas in the south of the Nicaraguan Pacific. This area covers the municipalities of San Juan del Sur, Cárdenas, and part of the municipality of Rivas with an approximate area of 2700 km2.

Nicaragua has carried out excellent research work that has shown that due to its geographical location, the Istmo de Rivas Pass is a strategic place not only for resident species but also for a large number of Nearctic migratory birds. Of the 706 species of birds that make up the Nicaraguan avifauna (Martínez-Sánchez 2007), 39.6% (n=280) of the species have been reported in the Paso del Istmo, of which 23.2% (n= 65) of The species are migratory, with warblers (Parulidae) and flytraps (Tyrannidae) being the most diverse.

Of the 65 migratory species identified in the Isthmus Pass, 42 are Nearctic-Neotropical species (species that all or part of their populations reproduce in North America and migrate further south), 7 species have sympatric populations (they have migratory and resident populations), 12 species pass through Nicaragua during their migrations but do not maintain populations in the country and 4 are species that nest in the country and migrate south.

Where to Watch Birds in the Paso del Itsmo

Private Wildlife Reserves (RSP) of Paso del Istmo. A total of 11 RSP are located in the Paso del Istmo area, among which La Conga and La Guacamaya in the municipality of Cárdenas, and the Escameca La Grande RSP in San Juan del Sur stand out. These reserves mainly maintain considerable coverage of deciduous forest and extensive coastal lake or marine areas, which are home to at least 200 species of birds, of which about 54 species are migratory. Among its specialties are land birds, such as Flycatchers (Tyrannidae) with at least 31 species, and Warblers (Parulidae) with 18 species, as well as endangered species such as the Great Peacock (Crax rubra) and the Parrot. yellow-naped (Amazona auropalliata).

Lake Coastal Strip. This coastal area with Lake Cocibolca in the Paso del Istmo with almost 100 kilometers in length between the city of Rivas and the town of Colón in the municipality of Cárdenas, presents key habitats for wildlife since they are essential in providing many species of flora and fauna, important elements to complete their life cycles, mainly those associated with wetlands. At least 22 aquatic species can be found in these sites, among which two species of hawks stand out, the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), and the Snail-winged Kite (Rosthramus sociabilis), the white ibis (Eudocimus albus), the roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), a species of American Stork (Mycteria Americana), and at least five species of Ducks (Anatidae), nine species of Herons (Ardeidae), as well as large flocks of the Neotropical Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus).

Marine Coastal Strip. The marine coastal zone with more than 30 kilometers of coastline in the Paso del Istmo is an area of great importance for seabirds since it presents rocky outcrops that serve as nesting sites for many species such as the Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) and the Great Forktail (Fregata magnificens). Furthermore, this area presenting a shallow marine platform is an important reservoir of life that provides food for large flocks of aquatic species, among which the Neotropical Cormorant or Pied Duck (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) and the Aninga or Pipe Duck (Anhinga anhinga) stand out.

Frigate Tijereta – Magnificent Frigatebird
Magnificent frigate – Fregatidae

Resident. It can be observed alone or in groups, it flies very high over the Pacific and Caribbean coasts, rarely entering the sea. The males are completely black with a red throat and show it during courtship; Females have a black head and neck with a white chest. It is considered one of the main predators of newly hatched baby sea turtles, and also eats small fish and crabs. Size: very large.

Pandion haliaetus – Accipitridae

Migratory. It is a solitary bird that requires clear calm, sweet or saline waters and preserves its fishing territory. While flying at a height of up to 30 m, it detects fish swimming on the surface, then dives and catches them with its legs. It also feeds on lizards, mammals or small birds. It resides in Nicaragua only in the winter months, although it is distributed throughout the country; and has an indefinite national ban. Size: very large.

White Ibis
Eudocimus albus – Threskiornithidae

Resident. This bird feeds and flies in flocks. It has a thin body and curved beak, and with almost completely white plumage, except for the juveniles which have mostly brown bodies. In flight they fully extend their neck; It frequents various saline and freshwater aquatic habitats, feeding on small fish and mollusks. At night, they rest in communal roosts. This bird is distributed throughout the country. Big size.

Roseate Spoonbill
Platalea ajaja – Threskiornithidae

Resident. They are birds that feed, nest, and sleep in groups or flocks of mixed species; They frequent a variety of saline and freshwater habitats where there is shallow, slowflowing open water. It dips its beak into the water to catch small fish, mollusks, or crustaceans while stirring the mud on the bottom with lateral movements. It is distributed throughout the country. Big size.

Cinnamom Hummingbird
Amazilia rutila – Trochilidae

Resident. This is a solitary, aggressive, and often territorial bird. It can be found in the Pacific and Central regions of the country, occasionally in the Caribbean. It frequents disturbed areas, open bushes, and gardens in urban areas. The males sing at sunrise and sunset. Its beak is adapted to feed on flower nectar, although it also feeds on small insects and spiders. Small size.

Yellow-naped Parrot
Amazona auropalliata – Psittacidae

Resident. Only parrot with a yellow nape and the rest of the body green. Prefers dry and gallery forests, savannahs with isolated woodlands and advanced secondary growth, traveling in pairs or small groups. They feed in the upper part of the trees, generally quiet and cautious, they scream only when taking flight; It eats fruits and seeds, as well as flowers and shoots. It nests in cavities in tall, usually dead trees. Medium size

Turquoise-browed Motmot
Eumomota superciliosa – Momotidae

Resident. This guardrail is common on the slopes and shallows of the entire Pacific region of the country. It prefers deciduous groves, gallery forests, and mangrove edges. It sits silently while wagging its tail from side to side and then darts out to catch beetles or other insects, spiders, lizards, and small snakes. It can be found alone or in pairs and sometimes in family groups. Medium size.

Collared Aracari
Pteroglossus torquatus – Ramphastidae

Resident. It can be seen throughout the country; and form groups of 5 to 15 individuals. It feeds on fruits, insects, amphibians or lizards, and eggs of small birds while moving between the treetops and partially open areas. Up to 6 individuals sleep inside the same hollow trunk. Its biggest threat is the pet market. Medium size.

Updated on marzo 22, 2024 at 7:26 pm



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  • (407) 530 -6790
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